BAMAG designs tailor-made solutions for all requirements and capacities with the highest international engineering standards! Based on owned LURGI technologies, there is a strong technology portfolio and expertise with specific solutions for
- Potable Water
- Domestic Wastewater
- Industrial applications (waste, process and cooling water)
BAMAGĀ“s customized solutions combine proven treatment units out of
- mechanical
- physical, physicochemical and chemical
- biological
- thermal
process technologies to highly efficient and economical treatment facilities, built with German quality standards.
- Sieving and screening
- Precipitation, coagulation and flocculation
- Flotation and sedimentation
- Thickening and dewatering
- Vacuum, gravity and pressure filtration by sand, cloth and membranes
- Absorption, desorption and adsorption
- Softening and desalination
- Neutralization, chemical oxidation and detoxification
- Disinfection
- Anaerobic and aerobic biological degradation with C, N and P removal
- Drying and evaporation
- Biogas treatment and utilization